Welcome 2015/16 Erasmus+ students

Dear Erasmus+ partners and incoming students,

Welcome to the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia in the academic year 2015/16.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the application deadline for students who will be coming to Zagreb in the summer semester of the 2015/16 academic year is November 10, 2015. All applications must be completed using the University of Zagreb’s Moveon website where you can find detailed application instructions. Other useful information (contacts, courses, faculty info) can be found on the Erasmus+ page of our Faculty website.

You can find more information in printable form here on the Faculty info sheet (pdf)
If you have any questions, please contact us at mobility@fpz.hr

See you in Zagreb!

Help for Erasmus students

Are you thinking about applying for the Erasmus programme? If you are thinking about a semester in one of the foreign university or an internship abroad, with www.eurasmus.com you can book safely and securely online with no fees, look over 3000 vacancies or find important information about the city you will stay.

Eurasmus helps students organise their year abroad because with us everything can be much simpler and easier. All our services are completely free for students and our goals are to encourage student mobility in Europe, bridging language barriers and reducing unemployment. For more information check on web page at www.eurasmus.com.

BAYHOST scholarships

The Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) and the Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2015/16 via BAYHOST. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply.
Continue reading ‘BAYHOST scholarships’

Bilateral cooperation – scholarships in Croatia

Bilateral programmes of mobility in higher education are based on bilateral agreements and programmes involving scholarship exchange. Through bilateral programmes the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, in cooperation with the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, annually offers an average of 400 scholarships for foreign students and researchers at Croatian higher education or research institutions and around 500 months of scholarships for Croatian citizens abroad.

Read more here…

First Conference “Transport & Research in the Danube Region”

First Conference “Transport & Research in the Danube Region
Tuesday, 2nd April 13:30 − 17:00 and Wednesday, 3rd April 2014 9:00 − 18:00
Cultural and Congress Centre CANKARJEV DOM, Ljubljana, Slovenia

This special event for the researchers and other actors in the field of transport in the Danube Region is designed as an opportunity to hear different views on research and to contribute to the implementation of the Danube Strategy and to prepare for an active approach towards HORIZON2020. The idea is to stimulate discussion beyond the narrow borders of different instruments and policies. Effective and efficient transport needs synergies of different policies.
Continue reading ‘First Conference “Transport & Research in the Danube Region”’

Scholarships in the Republic of Croatia – Call for Applications

The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia through the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes offers scholarships for foreign students and professors of higher education institutions as well as research fellows who intend to gain further professional experience in Croatian institutions of higher education or research.

Scholarships in the Republic of Croatia – Call for Applications


Presentation on the German Exchange Service DAAD

Students are invited to a presentation about the German Exchange Service DAAD and the scholarship programmes offered for master and PhD students as well as for special internships related to engineering and natural science (IAESTE). Funding for German Language Summerschools is also offered. Continue reading ‘Presentation on the German Exchange Service DAAD’

International Conference “Horizons of railway transport 2012″

Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communication from Žilina is organising the international conference “Horizons of railway transport 2012″ on Semptember 13 and 14, 2012 near Žilina, Slovakia.

For more information visit the conference website.

Updated list of courses in English

The list of courses in English in the academic year 2012/2013 has been updated.
The list can be found here.

CERES – Research Membership Programme

Central European Initiative (CEI) has made available a call for applications for a research fellowship programme.

Application deadline is April 30, 2012. Additional information can be found here.

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