Current position and functions:

  • Head of  Department of Information and Communication Traffic
  • Head of Chair of Information and Communication System and Service Management
  • Full Professor


Academic Social Networks

Education and training:

2005. – Ph. D.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2003. – M. Sc.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

1995.– B. Eng.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

Head of Courses

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

Undergraduate studies:

  • Information Systems of Network Operators
  • Telemetics' Systems Maintainance
  • Terminal Eqipment

Graduate studies:

  • Security and Protection of Information and Communication Systems
  • e-Business Systems
  • Traffic Simulations
  • Designing Information and Communication Services
  • Assistive Technology in Traffic System
  • Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System

Postgraduate studies:

  • Traffic Networks
  • Theory of Traffic Safety

Work expirience:

2017.  - today   Full Professor

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2011.  - 2017.   Associate Professor

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2010. - today    Head of Department of Information and Communication Traffic

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2010. - today    Head of Chair of Information and Communication System and Service Management

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2008. – 2014.    Head of the Centre for ICT

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2006. – 2011.    Assistant Professor

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2006. – 2010.    Head of Chair of ICT in traffic systems

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2004. – 2006.    Head of Chair of communication

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

1995. – 2006.    Junior Assistant, Assistant, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

1995.                Expert Associate

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

Technical skills and awards:

Certificate of UFED Ultimate Certification course – certified to operate with UFED system, Cellebrite Ltd., 4/2013, London, GB

Certificate of Professional Grade Engineers of Traffic and Transport Technology / Postal - Traffic Information and Communication, Croatian Chamber of Traffic and Transport Technology, 2010, Zagreb, Croatia



Fields of interest:

Forensic analysis of communication system (e-forensic/digital forensic); traffic system optimization, modelling, simulation and management; traffic simulation; web/mobile application/services R&D, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Industry 4.0, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Location-Based Services (LBS), information systems (security), communication networks.

Science and practice activity:


2017 - today           The impact of mobile device usage on drivers' behavior (Based on a public call from National Road Safety Programme of the Republic of Croatia, for Section 7 Mobile phone; Subsection: a) Using mobile phone while driving,

2015. - 2016.   Research Context Using Smart Mobile Devices and Related Information and Communication Services

2014. - 2015.   Research of Possibilities on Applying the IoT Concept to Improve the Safety Movement of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons along the Traffic Network

2013. – 2014.   Information and Communication Services for the Movement along the Traffic Network by the Persons of Reduced and Difficult Mobility

2013. – 2014.   GIFT Project (Green Intermodal Freight Transport)

2012. – 2014.   HINT Project (Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through Education and Information Technology)

2008. – 2012.   CiViTAS ELAN: Mobilising Citizens for Vital Cities

2007. – 2013.   Defining Intermodal Transport Corridors Using Multi-criteria Decision-making

2002. – 2005.   Methods of Development of Integrated Intelligent Transportation Systems

1995. – 1997.   Development of Transport Infrastructure


The initiator of many important projects of Faculty’s technological infrastructure improvement (laboratories) and technical equipment upgrade and purchase.


The author and co-author of 12 chapters in International scientific books.

Scientific Papers and Journal articles:

The author and co-author of more than 130 scientific papers in journals and proceedings of international conferences.


Chief editor of the International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), for the 2016 - LINK:

Reviewer in more indexed journals (PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, Wireles Networks, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine,...)

Member of co-organizer board (RCITD, POWA, MMS) and scientific committees/reviwer fo big number of international conferences .

Important works:

 Award for the best paper of the Conference TRDI 2015

The membership in associations:

IEEE, no. 92587895; IEEE Communications Society

European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), EU

Association for promotion of innovative technologies - InnovativeFET, Croatia

International Association for Technological Development and Innovations, Ukraine,  no. 0021

TM Forum - global, non-profit industry association focused on enabling service provider agility and innovation

DAAAM International, EU, no. 20589

Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), ID: 1110

Croatian Chamber of Traffic and Transport Technology, Croatia

Croatian association of engineers and engineering Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences AMAC-FSC

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council For Traffic


-  EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems (MMS):

- Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)                  

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF):                  

International Virtual Research Conference In Technical Disciplines (RCITD):