Project name: Digital Network Management Services
Project acronym: PJ09-W2 DNMS
Project duration: 01.12.2019. – 31.12.2022.
Total project budget: € 9.813.814,50
Total partner (FPZ) budget: € 99.455,48
Funding institution: European Commission
About PJ09-W2 DNMS
Digital Network Management Services is a Horizon 2020 SESAR project cooperation in which Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences from University of Zagreb is one of the participants as a linked third party to Croatia Control, Croatian Air Navigation Services Ltd. The project consortium is formed of 21 project partner institutions from Europe.
Digital Network Management Services is focused on improvement of the network traffic prediction for all Digital Capacity Balancing actors, dynamic airspace configurations, integrated network management and Air Traffic Control planning and collaborative network performance management. The project is divided into four work packages that include three solutions and project management work package.
The result of the project will be represented as three solutions. Dynamic Airspace Configurations will address the user acceptability and operational feasibility of the proposed solution, and it will focus on integration of the solution with Demand Capacity Balancing. Enhanced Network Traffic Prediction and shared complexity representation aims to develop the multi-layer traffic prediction model improving the forecast in pre-tactical, early D day, tactical and execution time horizons. And final solution will validate operational states prediction algorithm to anticipate the performance degradation in identified areas within the network, it will also validate the transition from local to regional measures in critical state.
PJ09-W2 DNMS project participants are the following:
- Eurocontrol
- Polska Agencija Zeglugi Powietrznej
- Austro Control
- Croatia control
- Luftfartsverket
- Naviair
- Direction des Services de la navigation aérienne
- Enaire
- Enav
- Indra Sisteman
- Sintef
- Skyguide
- Thales
- Airbus
- Rizeni letoveho provozu Ceske Republiky
- Letove prevadzkove sluzby Slovenskej Republiky
- Oro navigacija
- Irish Aviation Authority
- Airtel ATN
- Saab