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Promet - Traffic&Transportation Međunarodna mobilnost i suradnja Konferencija ZIRP Centar za promet i logistiku d.o.o. SKAI LABS d.o.o.
EUROS@P PROJECT: European Road Safety Partnership—Network-wide Road Safety Assessment (EuroS@P-NWRSA)
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, 14.11.2024, 15:00

The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences is participating in the EUROS@P-NWRSA Erasmus+ project - a collaboration between five European universities: Gdansk University of Technology, University of Zagreb, Bauhaus University of Weimar, Lund University, and University of Catania. This Erasmus+ initiative aims to enhance road safety across Europe by developing the competencies of faculty staff, students and road infrastructure managers.

Project focuses on the development of teaching materials for Network-wide Road Safety Assessment (NWRSA) safety assessment protocols, a new procedure on an EU level, which was introduced in Directive 2019/1936 (RISM directive).

The EuroSAP-NWRSA project has several core objectives:

  • Equip students with up-to-date, essential road safety knowledge.
  • Enhance the skills of road authorities, road safety auditors, and safety inspectors.
  • Train lecturers and experts in NWRSA protocols.

International collaboration is key to achieving these goals as it encourages knowledge exchange and distributes cutting edge innovative solutions in the field of road safety among partner universities.

The EuroSAP-NWRSA project is designed to impact various groups, including:

  • Students, researchers, and academic faculty involved in road safety education.
  • Road authority personnel at all administrative levels.
  • Experts and practitioners engaged in road safety, including those providing specialized training.
  • General road users as an indirect group, who will benefit from safer infrastructure.

The project builds on the achievements of the EuroS@P—European Road Safety Partnership from 2020-2023, funded by Erasmus+. The former project saw collaboration among Gdansk University of Technology, University of Zagreb, Bauhaus University of Weimar, European Institute of Road Assessment, and University of Catania.









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PROMET - Traffic&Transportation ZIRP Međunarodna mobilnost i suradnja Povjerenstvo za upravljanje kvalitetom Udruga bivših studenata FPZ-a

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