Povratak na naslovnu stranicu
Promet - Traffic&Transportation Međunarodna mobilnost i suradnja Konferencija ZIRP Centar za promet i logistiku d.o.o. SKAI LABS d.o.o.
Guest lecture by a professor from the Faculty - Oregon State University (USA)
Committee for International Cooperation and Mobility, 17.02.2024, 08:00

On February 15, 2024, Associate Professor Dario Babić from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the University of Zagreb held a guest online lecture as part of the TRANSPORTATION SEMINAR SERIES for students from Oregon State University (USA). The topic of the lecture was: Impact of pavement markings and traffic signs on driver behavior and road safety.

The transportation seminar is concerned with the professional development of transportation engineering students and practicing professionals. The seminar is aimed at providing a unique set of technical experiences facilitated by guest speakers from across the transportation engineering domain.

More information about the conducted lecture can be found below:

- CANVAS Syllabus for the Winter 24 Transportation Seminar Series: https://canvas.oregonstate.edu/courses/1888745

- CANVAS Page for your Seminar: https://canvas.oregonstate.edu/courses/1888745/pages/week-6-02-slash-15-dr-dario-babic-assistant-professor-university-of-zagreb-croatia?module_item_id=24070231

Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Fakultet prometnih znanosti
Zavod za prometnu signalizaciju
+385 1 245 7972
Kušlanova 2, 10 000 Zagreb
Centar za promet i logistiku d.o.o.
+385 1 238 0297
CPL web

PROMET - Traffic&Transportation ZIRP Međunarodna mobilnost i suradnja Povjerenstvo za upravljanje kvalitetom Udruga bivših studenata FPZ-a

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