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Promet - Traffic&Transportation International Cooperation and Mobility ZIRP Conference Centre for Traffic and Logistics Ltd. SKAI LABS Ltd.

Attending the mini scientific and professional conference "Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences - cohesive factor of technical and biotechnical sciences and the Croatian economy"
Public Relations Department, 05.07.2023, 11:00


On Friday, June 30, the first mini scientific and professional conference "Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences - cohesive factor of technical and biotechnical sciences and the Croatian economy" was held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, organized by the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences (HATZ). At the conference participated, as an associate member of HATZ in the Department Transport, Prof. Edouard Ivanjko, Ph.D. presented the results of the HRZZ research project "Development of Learning Agent-based Systems for Improved Urban Traffic Control (DLASIUT)" which he leads. He held a presentation "Urban Traffic Control and Agents: A Machine Learning Approach", in which he highlighted the problems of traffic congestion, potential solutions from the domain of intelligent transport systems and presented the research results of the HRZZ project DLASIUT related to the adaptive traffic signal control on intersections with traffic lights and variable speed limit control on urban motorways implemented using learning agents.

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Department of Traffic Signalling
+385 1 245 7972
Kušlanova 2, 10 000 Zagreb
Centre for Traffic and Logistics Ltd.
+385 1 238 0297
CPL web

PROMET - Traffic&Transportation ZIRP International Cooperation and Mobility Quality Management Committee Udruga bivših studenata FPZ-a

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