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Promet - Traffic&Transportation International Cooperation and Mobility ZIRP Conference Centre for Traffic and Logistics Ltd. SKAI LABS Ltd.

Student internship

Internship and Career Services Office

ZUK Borongaj, objekt 71, podrum (privremena lokacija)

Contact details

Working hours
Consultations time with students: defined upon prior announcement

Workshop Application
Merlin, course: Student Traineeship

Internship Application

Student internship

Students’ tasks during their internship should be related to their field of study.

Student internship assists students in:

  • connecting theoretical knowledge and practical experiences
  • understanding and developing business accountability, communication skills, and teamwork
  • adjustment to the work environment
  • finding/specifying the topic for their bachelor’s/master‘s thesis
  • orientation towards their future careers and acquiring their first recommendations.

Internship and Career Services Office is the coordinator of the student internship.

The project PRISTUP FPZ aims to establish the concept of student learning through work by acquiring competencies needed in the labour market. Thus enabling employers (host organizations), students, and faculty members to work together on joint research projects.

Mandatory student internship

(Undergraduate study)

Student internship is mandatory for students studying full-time or part-time at undergraduate study programmes:

  • Transport
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems and Logistics
  • Aeronautics

The institutional manual (in Croatian: Naputak o stručnoj praksi) defines student internship performance. The duration of the student internship is 20 working days (160 working hours).

At the beginning of the third year of study, the student is automatically enrolled in the following:

  • course through the ISVU system
  • e-course through the Merlin e-learning system
  • student internship application.

Additional student internship

(Undergraduate and Graduate study)

Through additional student internships, students can further integrate their theoretical and practical knowledge and thus acquire more significant competencies for the labour market before employment.
For graduate students of all study programs, student internship is additional.
For undergraduate students, student internships, in addition to mandatory, can be additional.

Following the Dean’s decision on 19 March 2018, voluntary student internships can be recorded in the diploma supplement for undergraduate and graduate students.


(Undergraduate and Graduate study)

Before going on a mandatory and/or additional student internship, students can participate in soft and technical skills workshops.

Internship and Career Services Office organizes and/or coordinates the workshops.

Information for employers (host organizations)

The purpose of student internships is to contribute to the quality of the educational process at the faculty in cooperation with the business sector.
The aim is to complete students’ theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge and create conditions for preparing their bachelor’s/master‘s thesis through work experience in the profession.

Student internship enables employers (host organizations):

  • presentation of their organization to students
  • getting to know students (possibility of testing new ideas, finding new talents, and planning employment)
  • getting acquainted with the educational process through working with students
  • cooperation with the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Department of Traffic Signalling
+385 1 245 7972
Kušlanova 2, 10 000 Zagreb
Centre for Traffic and Logistics Ltd.
+385 1 238 0297
CPL web

PROMET - Traffic&Transportation ZIRP International Cooperation and Mobility Quality Management Committee Udruga bivših studenata FPZ-a

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