ZUK Borongaj, Borongajska 83A, objekt 71
Working hours for users
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 19:00
Photocopying service
Photocopying fee is 0,04 EUR per A4 page black and white
0,27 EUR per A4 page color
Document scanning is free of charge.
Books, master`s theses, and doctoral dissertations can be searched through the online catalog on the following website: http://zag.nsk.hr/fpz
The library of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences is dedicated to the field of transport and represents an irreplaceable source of information for traffic science and practice in the Republic of Croatia.
The library has been open since 1984. It has moved twice, in 1998 when the process of digitization of library materials started and in 2010 when the library switched to ALEPH system integrated with the National and University Library.
Today, the Library contains more than 9,000 books and over 10,000 issues of about 300 domestic and foreign journals.
For students:
- Books and journals
- Reading room
- Internet access
- Photocopying, printing, scanning
- Help finding literature for papers
For teachers:
- Books and journals
- Interlibrary loan
- Bibliometric services (certificate of citation, impact factor, journal categorization...)
Membership and use of materials is free of charge. All full-time and part-time students of the Faculty, as well as other interested citizens, can join the Library.
An ID card and a student ID card are required to join the Library before borrowing books for the first time. Student ID card is later used as a Library card. At the end of the academic year, before the enrolment in the next year, the Library will check and inform the Student administration office if the student has returned all the borrowed materials.
Lending rules
Users can borrow 3 books for a month. The loan period can be extended twice for another month, in person or by phone. It is not necessary to bring the book to extend the loan.
Books in the aeronautics section can be borrowed for 7 days and renewed twice. One day loans are available for textbooks if all regular copies have already been borrowed. Reference copies of books, undergraduate and graduate theses, and postgraduate dissertations can only be used in the library or photocopied and are not for borrowing.
Students can borrow journals for a week, provided that they leave one personal document (ID card or student ID card) in the Library.
Computer access
The Library provides 5 computer workstations for students. Students may also use the computers in the adjacent computer classroom/reading room when classes are not held there.
AAI@EduHr identity is required to log in to computers. In principle, full-time students" username is their student ID number, and the password is their personal ID number (same as for e-Student).
The library provides students with a photocopier they can access and use on their own. The users add credit to their account, and the required amount is deducted during photocopying. Photocopying fee is 0,04 EUR per A4 page black and white; 0,27 EUR per A4 page color.