Road transport program
Undergraduate and graduate students of Road transport will learn about traffic flow management, freight and passenger transport technology, road and intersection design, traffic safety, traffic planning, and project solutions evaluation. The program enables the students to acquire the competencies required in many organizations and companies in the field of road traffic. The theoretical study is supplemented by practical and laboratory work that trains students in using and applying new technologies in the future workplace.
Road transport program is provided at the undergraduate and graduate level. At the undergraduate level, students gain knowledge in the following areas: analyzing the operation and characteristics of road vehicles, designing and maintaining roads, basic elements of road traffic safety, road transport technology with a focus on freight transport, maintaining road vehicles, and freight forwarding.
At the graduate level, students extend their knowledge on road safety with a focus on road traffic accident reconstruction. Furthermore, they acquire competencies in the field of transport logistics and passenger transport technology. Students are acquainted with the traffic flow theory and its potential application in technical and design solutions for intersections and traffic flow management. Building upon their theoretical knowledge, students are introduced to software tools used in traffic flow modeling and forecasting and methods of evaluating and identifying optimal traffic solutions. Elective courses provide students the opportunity to specialize further, gaining the knowledge and skills in the field of traffic flow simulations, traffic process optimization, traffic geoinformation systems (GIS), and operational research.