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Promet - Traffic&Transportation International Cooperation and Mobility ZIRP Conference Centre for Traffic and Logistics Ltd. SKAI LABS Ltd.

Held guest lecture by Prof. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ph. D.
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, 01.11.2023, 12:00

Prof. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ph. D..jpg

On October 30, 2023, we proudly hosted Prof. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ph. D.,  from the prestigious University of Texas in San Antonio, USA, at our premises.

Professor Choo delivered an inspiring guest lecture in the course 'Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication Systems,' conducted at the Department of Information and Communication Traffic. The lecture's topic, 'Interdisciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity Research and Resilience,' attracted an exceptionally large number of students and faculty members from the Faculty. It was an honor and privilege to be in the company of such an exceptional scientist who generously shared his wealth of knowledge with our students and Faculty.

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Department of Traffic Signalling
+385 1 245 7972
Kušlanova 2, 10 000 Zagreb
Centre for Traffic and Logistics Ltd.
+385 1 238 0297
CPL web

PROMET - Traffic&Transportation ZIRP International Cooperation and Mobility Quality Management Committee Udruga bivših studenata FPZ-a

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