Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, 06.06.2024, 08:56
Department of Transport Logistics, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb the partner of the SafeLMD consortium, has organized the Multiplier Event on the 23rd of May. At the Event, participants had the opportunity to learn more about the SafeLMD online curriculum, the project"s goals, and to discuss the opportunities of the project. Invited speakers (Croatian post, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences) and panel discussion speakers (city of Zagreb, Croatian post, Sindikat biciklista and Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences) attended the Event, with the interested members of civil society and representatives of the courier companies. Invited speakers presented their future projects, innovative solutions to existing problems, and current problems of the last mile delivery.The main topic of the lively panel discussion was discussing the problems of the bike infrastructure, traffic culture in the city of Zagreb, and the challenges that bike couriers face daily. We would like to thank everyone for attending this informative Event.